Basin Expertise
Geologic knowledge of a basin is crucial for economic success.
Geologic knowledge of a basin is crucial for economic success. Petroleum systems consist of the source rock, reservoir, and seal. Oftentimes multiple petroleum systems exist within a basin, and intimate knowledge of these components can maximize the opportunities that each system provides. Within a select study area, potential targets must be clearly identified and delineated. It’s also just as important to recognize areas in which a play concept will not work in order to avoid a costly mistake.
Moosetooth understands the geologic drivers of petroleum production within the Rocky Mountain region and the Permian Basin. Our knowledge base provides a strong foundation for any geoscience assessment within these petroleum provinces.

Intermontane Basins of the Rocky Mountains
Conventional Experience
- Madison/Tensleep in the Big Horn Basin
- Minnelusa of the Powder River Basin
- Dakota of the Green River and Powder River Basins
- Red River/Mission Canyon/Duperow of the Williston Basin
Unconventional Background
- Bakken of the Williston Basin
- Niobrara of the Powder River and DJ basins
- Mowry of the Powder River Basin
- Operations experience in multiple basins
- Coal bed methane in the Uinta and Powder River basins
Hybrid Plays
- Turner/Frontier of the Powder River Basin
- Teapot/Parkman of the Powder River Basin
- Codell of the DJ Basin
- Delineation of sweet spots through seismic interpretation in multiple basins
Tight Gas Sands
- Frontier, Almond, Lewis, and Fort Union of the Green River Basin
Permian Basin
Conventional Experience
- Deep Ellenburger/Devonian on Central Basin Platform
- Subcrop plays in the Fusselman/Devonian on CBP and Midland Basin
- Bend/Atoka in the Midland Basin
- Detrital Wolfcamp in the Midland Basin
- Conventional shallow reservoirs (e.g. San Andres) in the Midland Basin and CBP
Unconventional Background
- Wolfcamp and Sprayberry potential in Midland Basin
- Wolfcamp Delaware Basin
- Woodford and Barnett source rock understanding
- Seismic interpretation in the Delaware Basin
Water Resources
- Salt water interval/disposal candidate determination
- Water source intervals from shallow aquifers for operations

We look forward to working on your next project.
Moosetooth Geological Consulting, LLC
6547 S. Dexter Street
Centennial, CO 80121
(303) 501-2571